Regulations for the Provision of Services

Innovative VIMED Medical Center

Issue 9 of 2023-03-01

These Regulations define the rules for the provision of services
by Innovative VIMED Medical Center in Warsaw.

§ 1 Definitions

  1. Regulations for the Provision of Services - constitutes an appendix to the Regulations of the Organizational Medical Center VIMED and defines the detailed rules for the provision of services to patients. This document is available at the clinic reception and on the CM VIMED website.
  2. ICM VIMED - Innovative Medical Center VIMED - is a medical entity entered into the Register of Entities Performing Medical Activity, kept by the Mazowieckie Voivode under book number 23559. The founding body is VIMED Sp. z o. o. with its registered office in Warsaw, address: Warszawa 02-705 ul. Czerniowieckia 9, entered into the Register of Entrepreneurs kept by the District Court for the Capital City of Warsaw Warsaw, 13th Commercial Division of the National Court Register, under KRS number 0000198978, NIP 567-13-21-834, REGON 130285588.
  3. Surveys/ Interviews/ Statements - forms in electronic or paper form filled in by the patient in order to provide specialists with information necessary to provide services of a given type.
    1. Patient Information Card - a form containing personal and contact details of the patient and the proxy, along with the GDPR clause - (form No. F.1). It must be completed by the patient before the start of providing medical services.
    2. Questionnaire - Functional Interview - a form containing information about the patient's health condition (form no. F.2), necessary before starting conventional treatment.
    3. Questionnaire - Lifestyle Interview - a form containing information about the patient's lifestyle (form no. F.3), necessary before starting treatment using the methodology of personalized, functional lifestyle medicine.
    4. Declaration of no contraindications - a form filled in when a patient orders us to perform medical procedures without medical qualifications and a referral issued by an ICM VIMED doctor. (form No. F.4).
    5. Patient's consent to physical medicine treatments (form no. F.5).
    6. Patient's consent to aesthetic medicine treatments (form no. F.6).
    7. Patient's consent to procedures - intravenous infusions (form no. F.7).
    8. Request for results - (form No. F.8).
    9. Additional Clauses - in emergency situations, additional rules of conduct may be implemented, such as in the event of an epidemic threat.
  4. Contract for the provision of services - ICM VIMED may conclude a contract for the provision of services with the patient in accordance with the template constituting Annex No. Z.1.
  5. Patient - any person who uses medical services at ICM VIMED.
  6. Patient's Representative - a person who represents the patient in ICM VIMED under the law.

§ 2 Rules for the provision of medical services

  1. The innovative VIMED Medical Center provides health services, striving to optimally use all aspects of lifestyle, in order to ensure the full physical and mental well-being of the patient, using the latest medical knowledge, taking into account all available therapeutic methods, both conventional medicine and those based on traditional medicine medicine that has been shown to be effective and safe. The priority is to use natural methods and avoid invasive methods of treatment as long as possible, if it is medically justified and does not pose a risk to the patient.
  2. The use of medical services may begin not earlier than after paying the price for the ordered services and completing the Patient Information Card as well as the required surveys and interviews. Patient's personal data must be verified by the Reception employee on the basis of an ID card or other document confirming identity. Data verification must be confirmed by making an appropriate entry in the ICM VIMED IT system.
  3. Consent to a health service may be expressed by a patient, including a minor who has reached the age of 16, for whom the service is to be provided. At the same time, when the patient is under 18 years of age, consent to the minor's health service must also be given by his statutory representative - the Patient's Proxy. Consent to provide medical services to patients under 16 should be expressed in writing by the statutory representative - the Patient's Proxy.
  4. ICM VIMED puts its resources at the disposal of the patient at a specific place and time, and the patient undertakes to pay the agreed amount for the services ordered. After receiving the prepayment in the amount of 100% of the value of the ordered services, the employee books the date/s for the provision of services. Acceptance of the proposed date/times, also tacit, means the conclusion of a civil law contract for the provision of services in accordance with the rules set out in these Regulations.
  5. All physical medicine procedures are performed on the basis of a medical referral issued not earlier than 3 months before the date of the procedure, depending on the type of procedure chosen.
  6. A patient who declares that he has knowledge about the procedures performed at ICM VIMED, about the indications and contraindications for their performance, and does not want to qualify for the procedures, may, on his own responsibility, use the selected treatments also without a referral, after submitting the appropriate statement.
  7. The patient undertakes to provide full and comprehensive information on his/her health, i.e.: past and present diseases, injuries, allergic reactions, medications taken (especially: antidepressants, psychotropic drugs, spasmolytic drugs, used in the treatment of anemia, hypertension, diabetes and cytostatic and immunosuppressants and others, e.g. used in the course of cancer), pregnancy, etc., as well as to inform about anything that may affect the result of tests or therapy, e.g. improper preparation for the test or procedure (e.g. restrictive diets or practicing intense physical activity).
  8. Information on the diagnostic and therapeutic methods used in ICM VIMED, on the principles of appropriate preparation for diagnostic tests and procedures, on the course of these procedures, on the technical side and equipment used during procedures, as well as on indications and contraindications for tests and procedures are available on the website and/or in the information materials available at the Reception. This information and detailed information on the prices of the services provided are also available through the staff of ICM VIMED.
  9. In the implementation of the program of comprehensive therapeutic programs and in aesthetic medicine therapies, it is necessary to prepare appropriate photographic documentation and place it in the patient's medical records. Information about the course of treatment as well as medical and photographic documentation may be used to conduct research and scientific publications, and to develop review articles, without the patient's additional consent, provided full anonymity is maintained - in a way that makes it impossible to identify the patient.

§ 3 Service Reservation Policy

  1. Booking dates for the provision of services is made after making a prepayment in the amount corresponding to the value of the ordered services. In the case of making reservations for service dates later (over one week), it is possible to make a preliminary reservation without prior payment. Such a pre-booking results in blocking the booked period for 3 days. If payment is not made within this period, the booking will be removed to free up another patient.
  2. Payments should be made by credit card at the Reception Desk or by transfer to a bank account, no. 33 1160 2202 0000 0001 3152 5226 for payments in PLN and no. in USD, for the benefit of: ICM VIMED Sp. z o.o., 02-705 Warsaw, ul. Czerniowiecka 9, providing: payment title, name and surname, Patient's PESEL number. Payments can also be made using the online payment system on the website In exceptional cases, cash payments may also be accepted at the Reception.
  3. If necessary, the confirmation of the transfer should be sent by e-mail to
  4. The funds booked by ICM VIMED are booked as payment for services in the order corresponding to the closest calendar booking dates, in accordance with the payment rules set out in these Regulations.
  5. After registering the payment on the account, an employee of ICM Vimed will contact the Patient to book appointments.
  6. If the Patient is unable to use the services on the agreed date, he/she should notify ICM VIMED in advance so that this date can be used for another patient from the reserve list, but not later than 72 hours before the date. Otherwise, the payment for the service will be booked and used to cover 100% of the price list value of the service as if the service had been provided, as compensation for the losses incurred and compensation for lost benefits (pursuant to Article 746 of the Civil Code). Reservation of a replacement date will be made after making a prepayment in accordance with these Regulations. This provision does not apply to services related to the collection of material for testing, which can be canceled at any time.
  7. The inability to arrive on the agreed date or within the agreed period of the package of services due to random reasons cannot be the basis for the Patient's claims for a refund of the prepayment, or granting him the right to use services that have not been performed in a different period.
  8. If the patient is late for the ordered service, it may be necessary to shorten the time of the service or make an appointment for another date, if shortening the time of the service could reduce its quality. In such a situation, the fee for the service will be deducted in full as compensation for the losses incurred and compensation for lost profits (pursuant to Article 746 of the Civil Code).
  9. In a situation where the service is not provided within the set time for reasons attributable to ICM VIMED, and the Patient who has prepaid the full amount is not notified 24 hours before the date, he will receive a discount for this service in the amount of 100% of the value of the service .

§ 4 Rights and obligations of the patient

  1. When using medical services at ICM VIMED, the patient has the right to:
    1. respect for dignity and courteous treatment by medical staff,
    2. obtain comprehensive information about the proposed medical services,
    3. provision of health services by personnel with appropriate qualifications, in accordance with the requirements of medical knowledge,
    4. reliable information about the state of health,
    5. ensuring safety during treatment
    6. refusing consent to provide certain health services before they are provided.
  2. It is the patient's responsibility to provide all information regarding the health condition that may affect the course of therapy, as well as:
    1. compliance with the ICM VIMED Order Regulations,
    2. respecting the dignity and courteous treatment of ICM VIMED staff,
    3. observing the rules of personal hygiene,
    4. possession of valid documents allowing to identify identity,
    5. compliance with safety rules,
    6. following the recommendations of the ICM VIMED staff.
  3. A patient whose rights have been violated while using medical services at ICM VIMED has the right to submit a complaint to the Management Board of ICM VIMED.
  4. ICM VIMED staff has the right to withdraw from the service even during its performance, if it could give rise to the risk of negative health effects (contraindications) or continuing the service would be contrary to professional ethics and applicable standards of law and medical knowledge, and also in a situation where the patient's behavior violated the provisions of the ICM VIMED regulations or the norms of social coexistence.
  5. In the event of any disorders in the functioning of the body during the procedure or therapy, the patient should immediately inform the ICM VIMED staff about the type of disorders observed. The staff is obliged to draw up a note on the occurrence of disturbances in accordance with the relevant instructions.

§ 5 Rules for sharing medical records

  1. The patient's medical records are the property of ICM VIMED. The patient has the right to access the medical documentation regarding his health and the health services provided to him. ICM VIMED makes medical records available to the Patient or his statutory representative, or a person authorized in writing by the patient, as well as entities authorized to access medical records under applicable law, after the patient submits an application for access to medical records on the appropriate form.
  2. Medical documentation is made available:
    1. available for inspection at the headquarters of ICM VIMED,
    2. by preparing its excerpts, copies or copies,
    3. by issuing the original against acknowledgment of receipt and subject to return after use, if the authorized body or entity requests the access to the original of this documentation.
  3. The amount of the fee for copies of documentation is specified in Art. 28 sec. 4. Act of November 6, 2008. on patients' rights and the Ombudsman for Patients' Rights (Journal of Laws of 2009, No. 52, item 417, as amended).
  4. The basis for calculating the amount of payment is the amount of the average monthly salary in the economy in the previous quarter published by the President of the Central Statistical Office.
  5. In accordance with the above, the applicable fee rates are determined:
    1. one page of an extract or a copy of medical documentation - PLN 4.50,
    2. one page of a copy of medical records - PLN 0.40,
    3. preparation of an extract, copy or copy of medical documentation on an electronic data carrier PLN 3.00,
  6. If test results or other elements of medical documentation are to be sent by post or courier, the patient should complete the "Request for results" form.

§ 6 Final Provisions

  1. ICM VIMED is not liable for any damages related to the services provided, caused by the patient's fault, force majeure, or as a result of concealing the existence of contraindications and other circumstances that constitute a contraindication and were not known to the staff, or circumstances for which ICM VIMED has no effect, unless the damage was caused intentionally or by gross negligence of ICM VIMED staff.
  2. ICM VIMED will not be held liable in the event of any damage to health resulting from the Patient's concealment of important information about his health, or caused by the Patient's failure to comply with the therapy plan, recommended diet and other recommendations, as well as in a situation where, after treatments at ICM VIMED The patient undergoes treatments or medical procedures in another center without consulting the attending physician at ICM VIMED
  3. It is forbidden to bring animals to the premises of ICM VIMED, smoking, drinking alcohol and using any drugs on the premises of ICM VIMED is prohibited
  4. In the event of inappropriate behavior of the patient at ICM VIMED or a gross violation of the order or course of the process of providing services, the staff has the right to refuse or interrupt the provision of services and ask to leave the clinic immediately, unless there is a justified fear that the refusal or cessation of providing services may cause a direct danger to the life or health of the patient or the life or health of other persons. In such a situation, ICM VIMED has the right to immediately terminate the contract for the provision of services and retain the full service fee as compensation for the losses incurred and compensation for lost benefits.
  5. The patient bears financial responsibility for damage caused on the premises of ICM VIMED through his fault.
  6. In matters not covered by these Regulations, the provisions of the Civil Code, the Act of 15 April 2011 on medical activity (consolidated text: Journal of Laws of 2022, item 633) shall apply.
  7.   and implementing rules

The Regulations come into force on 2023-03-01.

VIMED Medical Longevity Clinic
Czerniowiecka 9 Street
02-705 Warsaw, Poland
phone: +48 603 395 844

call between 10am and 6pm, Warsaw time (CET)

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This website may contain general information relating to various medical conditions and their treatment. Such information is provided for informational purposes only and is not meant to be a substitute for medical advice. You should not use the information contained herein for diagnosing a health or fitness problem or disease. You should always consult with your physician or other qualified health care professional for medical advice or information about diagnosis and treatment.
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