Noninvasive Longevity & Anti-Aging Clinic

Reliable Anti-aging Therapy to reverse biological age and slow down an aging and significantly increase the healthy life span.

Forget Metformin and Rapamycin - they are promising, but too risky with lack of scientific records.

Choose innovative, noninvasive, safe treatment to reverse your biological age within 3-12 months without any risk of dangerous side effects. During this period, you have to spend a week with us several times.

Noninvasive Longevity & Anti-Aging Clinic

What you can expect?

  • Stop hidden chronic inflammation as the main factor of aging.
  • Discover your own, personalized longevity diet.
  • Assure the proper function of your digestive tract and rest of your organs.
  • Regeneration and regrowing of capillaries in all your body.
  • Improvement of mitochondrial function.
  • Improvement of cellular respiration and nourishment.
  • Detoxification and improvement of toxin removal processes.
  • Activate your longevity genes and turn off your aging genes.
  • It is possible to repair your telomeres and the telomerase function.
  • Be careful with the strange supplements, hormone therapy and transplantation therapy.
  • Take care for the whole body and mind to stop or even reverse aging.
  • By mobilizing your own Stem Cells, you can live to 100, not necessary in a nursing home.

Your body is as old as your immune system. Take care of glycation processes in your body. React 10 years before your doctor diagnoses the problems.

Many scientific studies have confirmed the existence of the longevity diet. Imagine what effects a personalized longevity diet, enhanced with innovative treatments, can give you!

Noninvasive Longevity & Anti-Aging Clinic

Reverse your biological clock even for 30 years to live a better life

if you understand the relationship between cellular aging and physical aging.

How to start

How to start? It is very easy:

  • The first step is to book an online consultation.
  • The second is to send us all the lab results you already have, and complete health questionnaires.
  • The third step is an online consultation, where we will assess whether we can help.
  • The fourth is to plan your first visit to our clinic to conduct the necessary tests and plan the therapy. The visit can be combined with sightseeing in Warsaw. The clinic staff can help with accommodation arrangements.

Arrange a Consultation
with Julia Trawinska

phone: +48 603 395 844
call between 10am and 6pm, Warsaw time (CET)


VIMED Medical Longevity Clinic
Czerniowiecka 9 Street
02-705 Warsaw, Poland
phone: +48 603 395 844

call between 10am and 6pm, Warsaw time (CET)

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