Noninvasive Heart, Brain & Immune Clinic

Strong HEART - Sharp MIND - Perfect IMMUNE system - general and strategic management

The noninvasive Heart, Brain and Immune system rejuvenation personalized therapy based on healthy, balanced metabolism takes usually 3 to 6 months. During this period you will visit our clinic few times, one week stay in your preffered hotel or apartment inWarsaw each time.

Noninvasive Heart, Brain & Immune Clinic

What you can expect?

  • Cardiovascular diseases noninvasive treatment and prevention.
  • Reducing proinflammatory nutritional sources as the first step to improvement.
  • Treatment supporting the body's own anti-inflammatory processes.
  • Improving the function of the endothelium of blood vessels.
  • Increasing the production of nitric oxide.
  • Increasing the supply of oxygen to the cells of the heart and nervous system.
  • Improving the function of mitochondria.
  • Unclog your arteries without painful, risky, and expensive surgery.
  • Slash your risk of a deadly heart attack.
  • Try out the natural cure for high blood pressure and arteriosclerosis without side effects.
  • Reduce or even eliminate the use of statins and other cardiovascular drugs.
  • Avoid the risk of acute and chronic heart failure and cardiovascular incidents.
  • Rejuvenate your heart muscle, arteries, veins, neurons and immune system.
  • Depression, Alzheimer and Parkinson prevention and treatment.
  • Make sure your neocortex, brain, and a whole nervous system works perfectly.
Noninvasive Heart, Brain & Immune Clinic

Leave your doctor speechless!

How to start

How to start? It is very easy:

  • The first step is to book an online consultation.
  • The second is to send us all the lab results you already have, and complete health questionnaires.
  • The third step is an online consultation, where we will assess whether we can help.
  • The fourth is to plan your first visit to our clinic to conduct the necessary tests and plan the therapy. The visit can be combined with sightseeing in Warsaw. The clinic staff can help with accommodation arrangements.

Arrange a Consultation
with Julia Trawinska

phone: +48 603 395 844
call between 10am and 6pm, Warsaw time (CET)


VIMED Medical Longevity Clinic
Czerniowiecka 9 Street
02-705 Warsaw, Poland
phone: +48 603 395 844

call between 10am and 6pm, Warsaw time (CET)

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Copyright Vimed sp. z o.o., and Julia Trawinska - All Rights Reserved | Implementation: F-media