Holistic Face, Skin, Hair, and Body Clinic

Effective and safety overweight management. You don’t have to spend the rest of your life with the luggage of excess fat.

There are plenty of miracle methods to help you look and feel younger. You can solve many of your face, hair and body problems, typically within 3-6 months. During this period, you have to spend a week with us several times.

Holistic Face, Skin, Hair, and Body Clinic

What you should know:

  • Acting from inside and outside your skin is the perfect way to achieve the best results.
  • Using minimum invasive procedures should be today the standard in modern aesthetic medicine.
  • Uncover your natural beauty before you change your face into the copy of ideal.
  • The most beautiful skin is the young skin, like the skin of a baby.
  • Your skin, hair, and nails are like a display showing the state of your body.
  • We are using latest technology to treat hairy skin - laser and clean PRP.
  • To rejuvenate the skin, we use a multi needle vacuum injections.
  • You can keep your body in shape without the risk of faster aging.
Holistic Face, Skin, Hair, and Body Clinic

Be beautiful and have an almost perfect body!

How to start

How to start? It is very easy:

  • The first step is to book an online consultation.
  • The second is to send us all the lab results you already have, and complete health questionnaires.
  • The third step is an online consultation, where we will assess whether we can help.
  • The fourth is to plan your first visit to our clinic to conduct the necessary tests and plan the therapy. The visit can be combined with sightseeing in Warsaw. The clinic staff can help with accommodation arrangements.

Arrange a Consultation
with Julia Trawinska

phone: +48 603 395 844
call between 10am and 6pm, Warsaw time (CET)

e-mail: clinic@vimedmlc.com

VIMED Medical Longevity Clinic
Czerniowiecka 9 Street
02-705 Warsaw, Poland
phone: +48 603 395 844

call between 10am and 6pm, Warsaw time (CET)

e-mail: clinic@vimedmlc.com
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This website may contain general information relating to various medical conditions and their treatment. Such information is provided for informational purposes only and is not meant to be a substitute for medical advice. You should not use the information contained herein for diagnosing a health or fitness problem or disease. You should always consult with your physician or other qualified health care professional for medical advice or information about diagnosis and treatment.
Copyright Vimed sp. z o.o., and Julia Trawinska - All Rights Reserved | Implementation: F-media